***LES is Hiring ***
8 days ago, Cindy Noel
The regularly scheduled board meeting has been moved to March 13 at 7:00pm.
9 days ago, Chris Johnson
*** LES Preschool Spring Screenings*** Please Contact the LES office at (913) 757-4417 to schedule. We offer both 3 & 4 year old Preschool Programs. (1/2 Day sessions - 4 Days a Week). Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday. (No Preschool on Wednesday's). Morning Session = 8:00-11:30 p.m. Afternoon Session = 12:00-3:30 p.m.
15 days ago, Cindy Noel
*** LES *** March Calendar -March is a busy month with Parent-Teacher Conferences.... Spring Pictures.... Spring Break.... and The Preschool Program. Information about singing up for conferences will be coming out later this week.
16 days ago, Cindy Noel
We will not have school tomorrow, Thursday February 20. Our intent is to be in session on Friday!
21 days ago, Chris Johnson
Due to extremely cold temperatures and snow, there will be no school Wednesday, February 19th.
22 days ago, Chris Johnson
head south
Tonight's regular monthly board meeting has been moved to Thursday, February 20th at 7PM.
22 days ago, Chris Johnson
There will be no school tomorrow, February 18th. While I am not cancelling beyond that, if we get the predicted weather and wind chills be prepared to be out additional days.
23 days ago, Chris Johnson
no school
Congratulations to Grace Naylor! Prairie View proud!!💚 https://www.wichita.edu/about/wsunews/news/2025/02-feb/2025-mcgregor_1.php
27 days ago, Chris Johnson
No school tomorrow due to winter weather warning.
29 days ago, Chris Johnson
snow day
Dear Parents, On February 12, workers will be replacing parts in our kitchen so we will be serving sack lunches only on that day. Thank you for your understanding. Our Valentines Day parties will start at 2:45pm on Friday, February 14. We hope to see you there!
about 1 month ago, Mark Staab
about 1 month ago, Joseph E. Hornback
***LES February Calendar***
about 1 month ago, Cindy Noel
***District Wide Spirit Week*** All Buildings are welcome to participate in our RED Kingdom Spirit Week to celebrate the Chiefs returning to the Super Bowl for their chance to make history. February 3rd-7th. - As always (Completely Optional).
about 1 month ago, Cindy Noel
Dear Parents, The Parker Spelling Bee will be this Friday, January 24th, at 1:30pm at the school. Please arrive early to better facilitate check-in in our office. We hope to see you there!
about 2 months ago, Mark Staab
Come and work for Prairie View!
about 2 months ago, Joseph E. Hornback
Board Treasurer
***Updated Flyer***PV Community, for the past few years our middle school has taken part in a One School, One Book Initiative. Each student and staff member at PVMS received a selected book and we read the book as a building, while having corresponding activities in classes, and author visits. This year we want to give the community an opportunity to join us. Please see the flyer below to find out about our book choice for 2025 and how you can join us in this initiative in April. *** To give enough time for shipping, ordering is beginning now.
about 2 months ago, Andrea Richardson
**** Hiring for the 2025-2026 School Year**** -Come be a part of the BUFFALO TEAM here at La Cygne Elementary. We have a lot to offer and I would love to chat with you about our Vision and Mission here at LES. Please feel free to contact the LES office at (913) 757-4417 and ask for Cindy Noel, Principal.
about 2 months ago, Cindy Noel
PV Community, for the past few years our middle school has taken part in a One School, One Book Initiative. Each student and staff member at PVMS received a selected book and we read the book as a building, while having corresponding activities in classes, and author visits. This year we want to give the community an opportunity to join us. Please see the flyer below to find out about our book choice for 2025 and how you can join us in this initiative in April. *** To give enough time for shipping, ordering is beginning now.
about 2 months ago, Andrea Richardson
**** LES Yearbook Reminder*** Please contact the office if you have any questions. Thank You
about 2 months ago, Cindy Noel